Kharma Cola
Karma Cola’s original recipe is made with Fairtrade organic cane sugar and real cola nut grown by the Mende and Temne people of Sierra Leone. Part of the proceeds from each bottle go to cola growers’ families.
Kharma Cola Sugar Free
You want a cola that refreshes your thirst, tastes fantastic and isn’t full of sugar or any of that diet-zero-lite artificial crap that tastes as weird as it sounds. We have the answer.

Lemmy Lemonade
Lemons weren't known for their luck — until Lemmy came along. Our combination of organic lemons and Fairtrade organic cane sugar bring good fortune to the farmers who get a fair deal for their crop, and a Lemmy zing to you. If life gives you lemons change your luck with a Lemmy Lemonade

Gingerella - Ginger Ale
Gingerella is made from Mother Nature’s magical healer—ginger—grown organically by Fairtrade farmers in Wayamba, Sri Lanka. Its clean, crisp and fiery kick comes from a unique blend of Fairtrade organic ginger, lemons, sugar and spice and a fair deal for the people who grow them.

Orangenade Summer
Whatever the season you can brighten your day with the taste of Summer! Made with juicy organic valencia oranges and lashings of sunshine, sourced from the wild San Luis Potosi region in Mexico and lifted by a dash of Fairtrade organic sugar. Go on, take a sip and savour the warmth of Summer!